Our Hopes and Dreams for 2023…

We hope you had a wonderful festive break! The new year is now in full swing so we wanted to start the year by announcing our hopes and dreams for 2023!
We took everything on board that was discussed at our last patient day and have a vision for 2023 to help our community even further. Thank you to those that filled in the survey from our Christmas newsletter. From your responses, along with our discussions at the patient day, we can see how vitally important it is to have someone to talk to. Therefore our mission this year is to open a PTEN specific counselling service in collaboration with Rareminds. This service will be available to everyone, no matter where you are on your PTEN journey.
To get this service up and running we are looking to raise approximately £10k. We have 6 amazing supporters who will be running the London Landmark Half Marathon for us on April 2nd. Please do support their efforts and encourage all of your friends and family to do so by visiting our Just Giving page. We wish all of our runners the best of luck and we will be with them every step of the way at our cheer station on the day! If you would like to come and support our runners, we will be with them on the sidelines so please come and say hi!
If you would like to host your own fundraising event to support our cause then please do visit our website and use all of our fundraising tools. We will be truly grateful for all donations received in order to reach our goal!